Almond Triplets!

What's Happening on the Farm

Almond Triplets!

WOW!  I have never seen this before.  If you look closely at this bloom, you will see three pollen tubes (pistils).  Each one is connected to an ovary below that, if pollinated, would produce an almond– in this case triplets.

It is not uncommon to see “doubles” in the orchard.  This usually happens when the embryo splits and two almonds grow inside of one hull.  If you ever see an almond that is in the shape of a crescent, then you have seen an almond “twin”.  There is not enough room for two almonds to grow into the usual shape so they begin to grow around each other and the cavity is where the twin matured.  In the sorting process, the doubles are kicked out, so it is uncommon to get one in a retail package, but it does happen.